Royal Queen has a ‘particular sensitivity’ for Harry’s hurt feelings


The Queen can’t avoid the hurt feelings of her grandson Harry having been through all this drama before with her late sister, Princess Margaret.

“She has a particular sensitivity to what Harry has been going through…

…because of her closeness to Margaret and seeing the same dramas and tensions played out two generations ago,” royal historian Robert Lacey told People magazine.

Margaret, who was vivacious, often bristled in the shadow of her elder sister. Their often challenging relationship featured as a storyline in the popular Netflix drama, “The Crown.”

“The younger-sibling syndrome is an enduring problem,” noted Lacey.

“The system has not found a way of giving them the recognition that they need.”

That isn’t to say the British Family is happy with the ongoing drama that has been called, “Megxit.”

“The Queen will be very disappointed,” Lacey said. “Her job is to survive.”


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